4 Benefits of using Video Emails

Email marketing is a highly effective way of reaching mass audiences. It gives you the ability to connect with new customers and retain your existing ones. Email marketing can be very targeted and personal. 

The format of these emails is very similar. They are filled with these beautiful images of products or services that the end consumer might be interested in. But how do you stand out in the inbox?

Video is a growing trend and it's an element that people are starting to adopt in their email communications. 

Email and video are like two peas in a pod. Check out the benefits of adding video into your emails:

< iframe src='/Videos/4-benefits/1172' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>


Your email now has a face and a voice. It doesn’t get any more personal than that. For your recipient to be able to see your facial expressions and hear your tone of voice automatically makes them feel more connected to you. 

Hit Forward

Video content is much more appealing to people making them more likely to share your content. According to Render Forest, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. Video in an email makes it easy for recipients to forward your message. 


Your eyes might glaze over a paragraph. Watching a video is much more memorable. Hubspot reports that 80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days. Incorporating your brand colours or even a jingle will help people remember you! 

With Cheers Connect, you can add your logo to your videos, customize the play button graphic and the text colours that display in your video. 

Saves Time

Our lives are so fast-paced. Everything is “go, go, go!” Video emailing saves time not only for the sender but for the recipient as well. Typing out and reading long emails are a thing of the past. 

Video emails are also a great way to convey information in a shorter amount of time. Your recipient will be able to understand you a lot quicker. 

Ideally, you want to keep your video messages short and sweet otherwise you’ll lose your recipient’s attention. Aim for 1 to 2 minutes. 

As video content is on the rise, now is the perfect time for you to start sending video emails. Sign up for FREE today!